ICANN Vancouver 2005 website
The site for all the information for participants for ICANN’s Cancouver conference in November/December 2005. http://www.icannvancouver.ca
ICANN call for public comments on updated Proposed Review Procedure for ASO Policy Proposals
ICANN has called for a second round of public comments on the “Review Procedure to Handle Policy Proposals Submitted by the ASO Address Council in Line with the ASO MoU”
ccNSO Issue Report regarding Changes to Bylaws, Policy Development Process, and Scope of ccNSO
Issues Report: At the ICANN meeting in Mar del Plata, ICANN’s Vice (Mr. Paul Verhoef) relayed a letter from CENTR, ccNSO Council and requested the Council to consider number of issues in relation to the ccNSO bylaws number of CENTR members joining the ccNSO.
ICANN Board Meeting, Luxembourg – Approved Resolutions
ICANN plans long term budget
ICANN has approved an annual budget that includes provision for a strategic plan covering the years from 2006 to 2009.
ICANN needs more input from Africa
Africans are missing an important opportunity to participate in the policy making process of ICANN, says Glen van Oudenhove de Saint Géry.
ICANN Ombudsman releases first Annual Report
In accordance with Bylaw V the ICANN Ombudsman, Frank Fowlie, today presented the ICANN Board of Directors with his Office’s first Annual Report at the ICANN meetings in Luxembourg. The report is available is English, French, and German on the Office of the Ombudsman Webpage. Spanish version will be available on 18 July 2005.
ICANN to lift price caps on .net domains
Owners of .net Web addresses may face higher registry fees in the future–but not until 2007.
Generic & IDN Names
Non-English Domain Names Likely Delayed
Concerns about “phishing” e-mail scams will likely delay the expansion of domain names beyond non-English characters, the chairman of the Internet’s key oversight agency said Friday.
Hope for Human Resources with .Jobs Domain
Yesterday, at the annual SHRM Conference in San Diego, the .jobs domain was formally unveiled to the public, and offered exclusively through ICANN authorized registrars. As a HR professional myself, I have conversed with many HR professionals who are often frustrated by the inability to provide an exact destination (i.e., a “jobs” page) that restricts the ability to communicate and otherwise effectively carry out the organizational strategy HR is charged with in our communication to the labor market.
Verisign retains .net registry
VERISIGN, has retained its contract to control of internet addresses that end in .net for six more years, the world’s peak domain administration body has confirmed.
Sex sites get dedicated net home
Pornographic websites are about to get their own online home – xxx.
Will Porn Migrate to .XXX?
A red-light district tentatively cleared for construction on the internet — the .xxx domain — is being billed by backers as giving the $12 billion online porn industry a great opportunity to clean up its act.
.mobi: Consortium to start releasing mobile-only internet addresses
A consortium of mobile phone and internet companies including Microsoft and Vodafone is hoping to persuade people to use their phones to surf the web by introducing a new range of internet addresses ending .mobi.
XXX: A New Frontier for Cybersquatting?
“Let the unseemly cybersquatting begin,” said Karen Whitehouse, an Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)-watcher and author of the Weekend Geek blog. Though intended to make it easier to filter porn sites and keep people, especially children, from stumbling across them by accident, the upshot might be to force people and companies to register domains as a defensive move.
uk: Web challenge to English supremacy
The dominance of English on the internet is being challenged by the UK organisation that maintains British website addresses, in a move designed to reflect the country’s multi-cultural mix.
Non-English Domain Names Likely Delayed
Officially, the Internet’s Domain Name System supports only 37 characters — the letters of the Latin alphabet, 10 numerals and a hyphen. But in recent years, engineers have been working on ways to trick the system into understanding other languages, such as Arabic, Chinese and Japanese.
New Report on IPv6 Addressing Released
IGP releases a new paper discussing proposals for competing sources of IPv6 addresses. IP addressing is one of the most important – yet least understood – aspects of Internet governance. The new IGP paper reviews the debate on IP addressing and concludes that “there is room for significant policy variation in address space management. Introduction of a responsible, globalized competing IPv6 allocation authority below the top level would permit experimentation with different policies and governance systems. This might make addressing more responsive to the needs of users.”
The Future US Role in Internet Governance: 7 Points in Response to the U.S. Commerce Dept.’s “Statement of Principles”: Concept Paper by the Internet Governance Project
We applaud the attention Commerce Department officials are giving to this critical issue. The NTIA’s declaration is welcome as a formalization of current US policy, in advance of the now-released report of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance. However, the debate has moved on, and so too must US policy. We make 7 points below in response to the “Statement of Principles” showing the direction we believe is in the interests of the United States and the world.
US Under Pressure Over ICANN
The United States must accept the need for change in Internet governance, a group of academic experts on Internet policy stated today. The U.S. should assert leadership by advancing new proposals for cooperating with other countries in the oversight and supervision of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and by supporting the development of a global framework treaty that will protect the Internet’s unique freedoms while working jointly to resolve its problems.
us: Academics Call For Internationalizing Internet Governance
A group of academics on Friday called on the United States to work toward establishing an international body responsible for running the Internet.
Comments on Working Papers for the third meeting of WGIG
Comments by various governments, WSIS observers and other contributors.
UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (UNDP-APDIP) Releases ORDIG Policy Brief and Input Paper on Internet Governance
UNDP-APDIP’s Open Regional Dialogue on Internet Governance (ORDIG) has produced a two-part report entitled, “Voices from Asia-Pacific: Internet Governance Priorities and Recommendations” – consisting of 1) the ORDIG Policy Brief and Executive Summary, and 2) the ORDIG Input Paper for the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
For all documents, please go to:
UN-backed Internet tourism domain preserves countries’ right to their names (news release)
Countries around the world will have a priority right to register their nation, cities, and place names on an Internet Top Level Domain (TLD) travel registry under a new United Nations-backed tourism initiative aimed at resolving problems arising when these names have already been taken by other entities on other TLDs.
New Working Group on Internet Governance report
The report provides proposals to improve current Internet governance arrangements and sets priorities for future action. It proposes a further internationalization of Internet governance arrangements, based on the WSIS Declaration of Principles (adopted in 2003) which advocates multilateralism and the involvement of all stakeholders and international organizations. The Report identifies a wide range of governance functions but excludes government involvement in day-to-day operational management of the Internet. The Report has been translated in all UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish.
UN Panel: No Single Nation Should Control Internet Addresses
In a report released Thursday, the U.N. panel outlined four possible options for the future of Internet governance for world leaders to consider at a November “Information Society” summit.
The Internet Governance Project’s response is available at:
WSIS: Whose vision of an information society? by Ajit K. Pyati
Abstract: The UN and ITU, in their development of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), are contributing to the on–going discourse of the “Information Society.” This study analyzes how WSIS contributes to the on–going Information Society discourse, especially how it frames a vision of an Information Society and the global “digital divide.” The methodology of this study is a broad, comprehensive, and critical content analysis of the two main documents of WSIS, its Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action. The content analysis utilizes discourse analysis and ideology critique, and quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of the analysis show that WSIS paints a wholly utopian, technologically deterministic picture of an “Information Society” that oversimplifies and generalizes a complex issue and phenomenon, about which no clear consensus exists.
New domains must protect trade marks, says WIPO
A uniform intellectual property protection mechanism should be established to protect trade marks whenever new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) are introduced, according to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
WIPO Recommends Uniform Registration for New gTLDs
WIPO has recommended the introduction of a uniform intellectual property (IP) protection mechanism designed to further curb unauthorized registration of domain names in all new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs). The report, “New Generic Top-Level Domains: Intellectual Property Considerations”, which is available at WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, says that such a preventive mechanism would complement the curative relief provided by the existing UDRP.
WIPO Recommends Uniform Mechanism to Regulate Domain Name Registrations with Introduction of New gTLDs (news release)
WIPO has recommended the introduction of a uniform intellectual property (IP) protection mechanism designed to further curb unauthorized registration of domain names in all new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs). This came in a report by WIPO’s Arbitration and Mediation Center (WIPO Center) on the IP implications of introducing additional generic Top-Level Domains (new gTLDs). The report, “New Generic Top-Level Domains: Intellectual Property Considerations”, which is available at http://arbiter.wipo.int/domains/reports/newgtld-ip, said that such a preventive mechanism would complement the curative relief provided by the existing UDRP.
Will .net fees rise after 2006?
Owners of dot-net web addresses may face higher registry fees in the future – but not until 2007.
Hell of a URL
The German Language Society holds the longest internet domain name in the world.
Overall Domain Name Registrations at 76.9M Names (VeriSign Quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief)
Global Registrations Rise Eight Percent Over Q4 2004; Growth Driven by Strong Global Economy, Growing Base of Internet Users, and online Advertising; China, Japan and South Korea Among Leaders in Worldwide Domain Registrations
$1 domains for the developing world
The developing world could soon see .org domain names for just $1 under a new scheme by non-for-profit registry PIR.
Members Corner (June/July 2005)
Nominet wins again in data mining case
Nominet UK , the national registry for all .uk domain names, has obtained an Australian court order freezing the assets and bank accounts of two men behind a scam that targeted thousands of Nominet registrants with misleading domain name notices.
Australia backs Internet status quo
Despite concerns from some quarters, the Australian government has backed the current system of Internet governance
auDA confiscates dodgy Ansearch domains
Australia’s domain name regulator has seized more than 1,000 domains from Ansearch, saying the search engine company’s intended use did not comply with its policies.
ENUM trial goes live
Mapping telephone numbers to Internet addresses today became a reality in Australia, as a trial for ENUM technology went live.
Misspelled Google case may end up in court
A local businessman wants googl.com.au and has threatened to sue the Australian domain regulator to get it.
auDA releases commercial geographic domain names in com.au and net.au (news release)
Commercial geographic domain names ballot to raise money for release of Community geographic domain names later this year
No threat to tourism.com
The Augusta-Margaret River Tourism Association is not under threat of losing margaretriver.com but wishes to expand and strengthen its internet presence.
Internet naming rights a bonanza
HIGH-PROFILE, sought-after internet domains like www.perth.com.au will soon belong to a lucky few. Since 1997, it has been impossible to register Australian geographic names as website addresses.
Moss Vale for sale..and Bowral, and Mittagong
Moss Vale Chamber of Commerce will bid to register mossvale.com.au or as an internet address in a ballot for geographic domain names.
Suburban sprawl moves into cyberspace
If Craig Pontey is successful, he will soon own Rose Bay, Double Bay, Bellevue Hill and Bondi. But Mr Pontey isn’t a property baron, he’s just one of the hundreds of people applying for the 20,000 geographic domain names released yesterday.
Brothels may win town name web addresses: seller
A Melbourne company involved in selling off the Internet domain names of Australian towns admits it is possible that online rights could be sold to businesses like brothels.
Academics converge on ENUM trial
The Australian Academic & Research Network (AARNet) on Wednesday kicked off trials of ENUM, a method of electronically mapping telephone numbers to IP addresses.
Revamp puts ISP firm on profit trail
DOMAIN name and internet services provider Melbourne IT expects strong trading in the first few months of calendar year 2005 to help boost its earnings by 28 per cent.
Melb IT flags domain-name locking
Local domain registrar Melbourne IT has advised customers that from August 4, it may lock the domains that it sells in order to prevent unauthorised transfers.
Melbourne Wins Commonwealth Games Domain (from http://udrplaw.blogspot.com)
The host city corporation for the 2006 Commonwealth Games prevailed in its UDRP case against the Australian registrant of the domain names Melbourne2006.com, Melbourne-2006.com, Melbourne2006.info, Melb2006.com and Melb2006.info in a WIPO decision released this morning. The registrant had offered to lease the domain names to the State of Victoria, Australia for 49,000 AUD during the 14 months surrounding the Commonwealth Games Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games Corporation v. B & M Group of Companies Pty Ltd, WIPO Case D2005-0366 (June 16, 2005).
auDA releases second draft Registry Technical Specification for comment
On 30 June 2006 the current Registry Licence Agreement expires. In the coming months auDA will launch the process for appointing a Registry Operator for a new 4 year term.
Samsung registers 470 .CN domains in 2005 to protect against domain name hijackers
Samsung has registered more than 470 .CN internet domain names during 2005 in an attempt to protect the company from domain name hijackers, a Marketing Manager with CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center), which administrates the registration of .CN domain names, said.
China to tag web sites
CHINESE-RUN websites have been given a deadline to register their sites or face closure under a new government campaign to police the internet, a leading portal announced.
Top ten most valuable CN domain names, CNNIC
According to the data provided by CNNIC, recommendation by appraisal committee as well as ballots from netizens have selected ten CN domain names.
China taps US firm for DNS protection
The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the state network information center of China, has tapped NFR Security to secure the supporting network infrastructure for the country’s its domain name services offering.
EurID Says No Domain Resellers for .eu Names
EurID says registrars won’t be allowed to sell .eu domains through resellers.
eu: Registrar Accreditation Begins 16/6/05
From Thursday 16 June, it will be possible to apply to become a .eu registrar using online application facilities.
Eurid E-NEWS (status report)
On July 19th, 245 companies and organisations have completed the procedure and are recognised as registrars for .eu domain names. 134 more are in the process of becoming a registrar.
eu: Beware of unauthorised pre-registrations
Beware of .eu pre-registration sites from non-accredited registrars and of registrars “pooling” their pre-registrations with others to auction to the highest bidder those names where multiple applications are received.
.hk launches Chinese Domain Name Technical Trial
Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Ltd. has announced the launch of Chinese Domain Name Technical Trial on June 27, 2005. This Technical Trial is open to public – everyone is welcomed to register a trial Chinese Domain Name.
India to take on US over Internet control
The battle for Internet has begun and India is in the thick of it. Over the next three days, Geneva is hosting a meeting of the Working Group on Internet governance (WGIG). At stake: Democracy in the cyber world, says India. Others, including American cyber gurus, argue that what India wants will allow censorship of the Internet and even government taxes on it.
Sushmita to sue domain squatter
Sushmita Sen may have ruled the universe but her writ obviously does not run in cyberspace. The former Ms Universe is set to take a Canada-based man to court for having squatted on the domain name www.sushmitasen.com.
Iraq hopes to get connected within weeks (reg req’d)
Iraq hopes to bolster its sovereignty by putting the country’s official domain name on the Internet within weeks.
Total Number of JP Domain Name Registration Reaches 700,000
On June 1, 2005, JPRS announced the accumulated total of registered JP domain name as of June 1, 2005 exceeded 700,000, reaching 724,233. As a result, .JP has got a No.1 ranking among all ccTLDs in Asia, and 7th among the 248 ccTLDs worldwide.
Translation of “JP Domain Name Registry Report 2004” Posted
JPRS posted English translation of “JP Domain Name Registry Report 2004.” This is an annual report for 2004, briefing JPRS’s activities carried out in the year in relation to its management and administration of .JP top-level domain.
JPRS Commences an Effort to Eliminate the Risk Caused by Impropoer Management of DNS Servers Associated with JP Domain Names
On August 4, 2005, JPRS announced its commencement of a major effort as the .JP registry to eliminate the risk posed by improper management of DNS servers associated with the registered JP domain names.
This effort includes publication of a policy document regarding the risk-elimination as well as constant provision of related information targeting at the registrants and DNS server managers to draw attention to this matter.
Our man in ICANN
MEET Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi. He may not look or sound familiar but search out his name on Google and you’ll get no fewer than 600 hits.
GPPC A Platform To Benchmark Msia’s ICT Performance
The upcoming Global Public Policy Conference 2005 (GPPC) to be held in Kuala Lumpur this September, will be a platform to benchmark the country’s Information Communications Technology (ICT) performance, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Datuk Seri Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis said Tuesday.
my: We must speak as one, says Mosti
The Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) has been directed to hold a workshop to brief Malaysian participants attending the Global Public Policy Conference (GPPC) 2005 that will be held in Kuala Lumpur in September.
my: UNDP: Cyberattacks opened our eyes
The attack in March by hackers on the United Nations Development Programme website, hosted in Malaysia, has opened the UNDP’s eyes to the vulnerability of its ICT systems.
MYNIC to offer second-level ‘.my’ domain name space
MYNIC plans to provide the second-level ‘.my’ domain name space to the public that will shorten the existing third-level domain name structure, the country code top level domain manager said in a statement on May 31.
US comments on DNS ‘no immediate threat’
A statement by the US Department of Commerce that it intends to retain ultimate control of the internet root system has created some excitement among US technical media and commentators, but InternetNZ international committee chairman Peter Dengate Thrush sees no immediate threat to the planned shape of the internet.
Domain-name body going ahead
A challenge to the legitimacy of Britain’s internet address registry, Nominet, appears unlikely to halt moves to establish a New Zealand domain name dispute-resolution process based on the Nominet model.
ENUM: Consultation Report on an ENUM Trial
InternetNZ has released a consultation report on aspects of holding an ENUM Trial in New Zealand. Submissions are due by 19 August 2005, subject to extension. Copies of the report are available for download, or in paper copy from the Secretariat.
Transfer to Another Registrar Policy Review
InternetNZ, through the Office of the Domain Name Commissioner, is reviewing its policy regarding the transferring of domain names between registrars. The current policy can be seen at:
Labour grabs lobby group’s web address
Tension is rising between Auckland business groups and the Government over roading projects and Labour’s hijacking of a website which was apparently to have been used in one group’s proposed election-time campaign on roading.
Registrar Sanction – Domain Name Management Services Limited
The NZ Domain Name Commissioner announced that Domain Name Management Services Limited (DNMSL) had been subject to a sanction resulting from action by its reseller, Go Kiwi Internet Limited (“GKI”).
Britten’s widow to sue biographer
The widow of legendary Kiwi motorcycle inventor John Britten is suing his biographer in the latest twist to a bitter feud over his legacy. … They are seeking damages and asking for control of the website www.johnbritten.co.nz with which Hanna markets the biography. Hanna, whose book has sold about 10,000 copies, says he has done nothing wrong in using the domain name.
Chinese .sg domain names on trial
SINGAPORE Network Information Centre (SGNIC), a subsidiary of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), is now offering, as a part of a six-month trial, Chinese or Tamil ‘.sg’ domain names for individuals as well as organisations. These domain names will actually be in Chinese or Tamil characters.
Timor-Leste NIC Registrations in the second level to commence 23rd May 2005
Timor-Leste (East Timor), the youngest sovereign state, today joins the online community of nations with the formal launch of the .tl. country code toplevel domain (“ccTLD”). The East Timor Department of Information Technology will begin accepting applications to register internet names which end in the suffix .tl from 12 PM on 23/05/2005.
Timor-Leste NIC Media Release (news release)
Timor-Leste (East Timor), the youngest sovereign state, joins the online community of nations with the formal launch of the .tl. “ccTLD”. The East Timor Department of Information Technology will begin accepting applications to register internet names which end in the suffix .tl from 12 PM on 23/05/2005.
.TW to Launch English Second Level Domain Name
NeuLevel and Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) announced today that the .TW country code will provide English second level domain name registration services starting November 1. Currently, third-level .TW domains are only offered. Further comment:
TWNIC Releases 2005 Semi-Annual “Internet Broadband Useage in Taiwan” Survey Results
On July 21, 2005, TWNIC released the results of its “Internet Broadband Usage in Taiwan” survey conducted in the upper half of 2005. (.pdf document linked above.)
The Post-COM Internet: Toward Regular and Objective Procedures for Internet Governance by Milton L. Mueller & Lee W. McKnight (Paper prepared for presentation at: TPRC 2003, the 31st Research Conference on Communication, Information, and Internet Policy, 2003)
Abstract: This paper makes the case for using regular and objective procedures to assign new Internet top-level domain names (TLDs) instead of the unscheduled, irregular, discretionary and ad hoc processes and criteria currently used by ICANN. The paper also shows that ICANN’s current approach to TLD additions is anti-competitive and fosters rent-seeking, political strife, and the potential if not the reality for corruption. The paper proposes a procedure for adding 40 top-level domains to the Internet domain name system on an annual basis. It puts forward a process for doing so that is predictable in timing and procedure, rule-driven, and economically efficient. And the paper analyzes the technical constraints on TLD additions and shows that the DNS protocol imposes only two significant limitations: the number of additions should be set at a low enough level to retain the hierarchical structure of the name space, and the rate of change in the root zone should not exceed the capacity of the root zone manager. to accurately and reliably update and distribute the root zone file. The paper argues that there is now and likely always will be demand for TLD additions. The paper suggests that ICANN’s role is not to second-guess the marketplace by choosing which of these TLDs are “good ideas” or most likely to succeed, but simply to coordinate TLD assignments. The paper concludes by anticipating and attempting to answer arguments that might be advanced against the proposed procedure.
Just how big is IPv6? – or where did all those addresses go? by Geoff Huston
This is an article about large and small numbers and what happens to numbers when they are used in address plans for networks. The question we are looking at here is just how long can we expect the 128 bit address set of IPv6 to last before we’ve run out of IPv6 addresses? And the secondary question is if we assume that we are just a little worried that we are being a little too profligate with these numbers, whether this is something we can quickly rectify without changing the basics of the address plan, or whether there is some more fundamental weakness in the way in which we’ve been thinking about IPv6.