Newsletter (March 2003)
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1. What’s New (1 February 2003 – 31 March 2003)
APTLD Taipei Annual General Meeting
2. Members’ Corner (1 February 2003 – 31 March 2003)
from .au |
31 March 2003 Revised Code of Practice for Domain Name Industry The auDA Board has endorsed a revised version of the Code. (more)
30 March 2003 Melbourne IT Mailout Breached Registrar Agreement auDA has found that a mailout to registrants by Melbourne IT Ltd breached the Registrar Agreement and was not in the spirit of the .au Domain Name Suppliers’ Code of Practice. (more)
24 March 2003 Small Business Guide to Domain Names auDA and the Federal Government have produced a new guide and factsheets for small businesses. (more)
6 March 2003 The body charged with recommending second-level domain (2LD) names such as and has rejected several proposals, with likely lack of user interest a key reason in many cases. (more)
4 March 2003 auDA Consumer Alert – auDA has become aware that an organisation calling itself (URegister) is sending to domain name registrants solicitations for business that contain incorrect and possibly misleading information. (more)
27 February 2003 auDA Backs Retention of 2LD The .au Domain Administration (auDA) has recommended that just one second-level domain in a shortlist of four be retained and no new open or closed 2LDs be created, according to a draft report issued by the panel given the task of examining proposals for new second level domains. (more) |
from .cn |
17 March 2003 China Opens Up Second-Level .cn Domains (Simplified Chinese Version) China Ministry of Information Industry officially announced the open-up of second-level .cn domain. (more) |
from .hk |
14 March 2003 Individual Domain Name Random Selection Ceremony Further to the Sunrise Period of the new Individual Domain Name from 21st February to 6th March, a Random Selection Ceremony has been held at 3:00 on 8th March 2003 at the Tech Centre. During the Ceremony, ONE application was randomly picked for each individual domain name with more than one application. (more)
21 February 2003 HKIRC Announce Upgrade of Agreement Contract to HKDNR Version 2.0 HKIRC and its wholly owned subsidiary Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited (“HKDNR”) announced today the launch of Registration agreement version 2.0 with immediate effect, the new Agreement version 2.0 will be applied to registrations for all domain name categories hereafter. (more)
19 February 2003 HKIRC Launches “” Domain Name for Individuals in Hong Kong HKIRC announced the launch of a new domain name category, “”. The new category under the “.hk” domain name space is designated for all Hong Kong ID cardholders with the age of 11 or above, and enables individuals to establish their exclusive domain names on the Internet. (more) |
from .jp |
20 March 2003 Change of Service Migration Schedule for Japanese JP Domain Name in compliance with RFCs On March 7, JPRS had announced the service schedule of Japanese JP Domain Name in compliance with RFCs, according to the publication of the RFCs. Subsequently, in consideration of ICANN’s release of a document “Standards for ICANN Authorization of Internationalised Domain Name Registrations in Registries with Agreements” on March 13 (US time), JPRS determined that it would reschedule the migration as after the discussion of the above document with other registries and ICANN. (more)
20 March 2003 Service Migration Schedule of Japanese JP Domain Name JPRS plans to start employment of the Japanese domain name using Punycode. The schedule will be determined when JPRS completes the procedure proposed by ICANN, after consensus is reached in ICANN Rio de Janeiro Meetings. (more)
7 March 2003 JPRS Will Start RFC-based Japanese JP Domain Name Registration and Management Services from March.20 JPRS announced that its Japanese JP domain name registration and management services will comply with RFCs for Internationalised Domain Names (IDN) from March 20, in accordance with the publishment of the RFCs, which define the IDN-related technical standard, on March 7. (more) |
from .kr |
22 March 2003 ‘Internet-Based Business to Be Diversified’ “While, for the past 3 years, we have focused on enhancing the stability and efficiency of .kr registration business, for this year, we are planning to carry out various Internet-based business activities”. (more)
25 February 2003 Sponsorship of the Overseas IT Volunteers’ Group As part of its project of supporting less-developed countries for resolving information divide between nations, KRNIC sponsors the event named “Overseas IT Volunteers’ Group” co-organized by the Information Technology Professionals Association of Korea (IPAK) and Namseoul University. (more)
25 February 2003 KRNIC and KADO Agreed to Cooperate to Resolve Information KRNIC and KADO concluded a business agreement for resolving domestic and overseas information divide and for expanding the use of ‘.kr’ domains. (more)
25 February 2003 The Project of Establishing Internet Address Resource “The Project of Establishing Internet Address Resource Management Basis arranged by MIC has its significance as the government’s willingness to place a great deal of stability, integrity and efficiency to the nation’s Internet environment. The nation’s Internet environment has been exposed unguarded to all sorts of information-related accidents that use floating IP and public IP. (more)
25 February 2003 Internet Address to Be Newly Managed Various foundations for Internet address resource management will be newly established so as to help effectively cope with information-related accidents that are swiftly on the rise along with the spread of the Internet. (more)
25 February 2003 The Korean-lettere Address Service Market to be Heated As ‘Korean’ and ‘Korean’ services started to be provided from last week, and ‘Korean’ service will be underway during the first half of this year, there is a prospect of fiercer competition in the Korean-letter Internet address service market. This could negatively affect the position of Netpia, a pioneer of the market who has provided Korean-letter Internet address connection service of keyword format. (more)
25 February 2003 .kr Domains Projected to Exceed 1 Million in 2003 As it is expected that the improvement of various systems that have hindered the expansion of ‘.kr’, a national domain, will be underway in earnest this year, there is a careful observation that the number of ‘.kr’ domains will pass 1 million mark. (more) |
from .my |
25 February 2003 MYNIC’s Agreement for Registration of Domain Names has been revised. Please click here for a copy of the revised agreement. From 1st March 2003, all new .my domain name registrations will be subject to the revised agreement. (more) |
from .nu |
20 March 2003 .NU Domain and Swedish Royal Library Team to Preserve Internet History The .NU Domain Ltd has partnered with the Royal Library, National Library of Sweden to preserve Internet history. On April 1, 2003 the Royal Library will unveil the web heritage of Sweden and make public for the first time the Swedish Web pages that they have archived. (more)
14 March 2003 .NU Domain Supports IETF Standards, Has International Domain Names up and Running .NU Domain’s International Characters Require No Software Upgrade or Browser Plug-In. (more)
7 March 2003 World’s Smallest ISP for the World’s Smallest Nation Launches Free Broadband Services The Internet Users Society – Niue (IUS-N), today announced that it has launched free broadband Internet services for the local Internet community at its Internet Cafe on the tiny Polynesian island-nation of Niue. IUS-N, a US-incorporated, private charitable foundation locally managed in Niue, was established in 1997 to use revenue from registration of .NU domain names to develop and fund free Internet services for all the people of Niue. (more) |
from .nz |
7 March 2003 The straw poll for the creation of the new second level domain ‘’ was overwhelmingly in favour of its creation. Over 1,000 votes were cast with the result being. (more)
18 February 2003 Voting for this proposal will last 14 days. The voting will commence at 2359 on February 18 2003. The vote finishes at 2359 on March 4 2003. (more) |
from .sg |
14 March 2003 Singapore Withdraws Internet Domain Trademark Application Singapore’s Internet registry on Friday withdrew its trademark application for the country suffix for the Internet domain name of “.sg”, following a hostile public reaction to the unprecedented move. (more) |
from .tw |
16 March 2003 TWNIC Ficilitated Domain Name Application From January 1 2003, TWNIC has removed the review of written documents and simplified the application procedures of domain names. Applicants can immediately finish all of the application procedures via e-mail to confirm their identifications. In addition, after the new measure of the removal of written documents has been implemented, the previous regulation that foreign companies must authorize domestic law firms for application has been adjusted to allow foreigners or foreign companies to register and apply. (more)
1 March 2003 2002 Taiwan ISP Annual Report Released (Traditional Chinese Version) In order for allowing Internet users to further understand Taiwan’s Internet infrastructure, an annual report on Taiwan’s ISP was just released. (more)
1 March 2003 TWNIC Released New Dynamic DNS Program for Downloading In order to improve the service quality of the dynamic DNS, TWNIC will open to download the new-version client program. Main functions of the new program include: providing the Windows series operational system to support different domain names, improving connection quality, and improving drawbacks in old-version program. (more) |
from .vn |
12 March 2003