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Newsletter (September 2003)

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1. What’s New

2. Members’ Corner

1. What’s New (1 August 2003 – 30 September 2003)

Next APTLD Meeting will be held on 21~23 November at Wellington, New Zealand

Next APTLD meeting will be held on 21~23 November at Wellington, New Zealand. 21 and 22 will be technical workshop, and 23 will be Member Meeting and Board Meeting. Detailed information on meeting agenda will be announced soon on the website.

APTLD Busan Meeting

In conjunction with several AP meetings held at Busan, Korea, APTLD Members’ and Board Meeting were scheduled on 23rd August at that same city. Several key issues including membership recruitment, Technical Committee establishment, confirmation on the tasks of Membership Committee and Crossover Observership with CENTR, were fully discussed. Reports on current international status were also presented such as ICANN ccNSO LG, Regional At-Large Organisation/Structure, Deployment of IDN and WSIS. (more)

Next ICANN Meetings at Carthage, Tunisia

The third round of ICANN meetings in 2003 will be held 27-31 October in Carthage, Tunisia. The meetings will be hosted by the Tunisian Internet Agency. More information regarding the venue and the meeting agenda can be found at www.icanncarthage.tn and www.icann.org/carthage. Pre-registration for the meeting is now open. 

ccTLD Carthage Meetings will also be held during ICANN Meetings. Meetings are pre-scheduled on 26-28 October 2003. The meeting agenda will be announced soon by the ccTLD Temporary Secretariat. (more)

ccNSO LG Calls for Membership Applications

The Launching Group has published a call for membership applications on 26 August. 31 ccTLDs have submitted the applications since then. 7 of these are from the Asia Pacific region. According to the ICANN Bylaw, the ccNSO LG needs to recruit at least 30 members, 4 form each region, to start ccNSO operation and council election. Currently, Europe and North America haven’t yet reached the minimum numbers of member applications. (more)

AP* Retreat Busan Meeting

AP* Retreat held a meeting in Busan, Korea on 24 August. In addition to AP organisations’ status reports, several issues such as “VoIP policies in Asia”, “Root Server mirroring with Anycast”, “Internet History (Museum) in Asia”, “Regional Networking” and “ICANN/ALAC” were discussed. (more)

ICANN Submits Eighth Status Report to US Department of Commerce

This is the third quarterly report on ICANN’s progress toward achieving the objectives of the MOU between DOC and ICANN. (more)

ICANN and U.S. DoC Announce New Three-Year Agreement

On 17 September, ICANN and the United States Department of Commerce announced that they agreed to extend their joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for three additional years until September 30, 2006. (more)

ITU-T and ICANN to co-host workshop on .int TLD

Reaffirming their respective responsibilities, ICANN and the ITU-T look forward to co-hosting the upcoming workshop to develop recommendations on the management of the .int TLD. The workshop will be held in Geneva on 15-16 September. (more)

Verisign’s Wildcard Service Deployment

Since 15 September 2003, VeriSign deployed a “wildcard” service into the .com and .net Top Level Domain zones, several responses from ICANN and Internet communities have been made regarding VeriSign’s wildcard, which creates a registry-synthesized address record in response to lookups of domains that are not otherwise present in the zone. (more)

2. Members’ Corner (1 February 2003 – 31 March 2003)

from .au

18 September 2003

Bottle Domains id.au offer breached Code of Practice

auDA has found that a “free gift” id.au offer by accredited registrar Bottle Domains was in breach of the .au Domain Name Suppliers’ Code of Practice. auDA requested Bottle Domains to delete all the id.au domain names that were not taken up by a customer, and send a corrective email to all recipients of the id.au offer. (more)

15 September 2003

AusRegistry id.au “free trial” promotion

AusRegistry has launched a special promotion for id.au, the domain space for Australian individuals. Up to 50,000 id.au domain names are being offered on a “free trial” period for 6 months. Once the trial period is over, the registrant must pay for their domain name licence if they wish to keep it. (more)

27 August 2003

auDA launches Trade Practices claim against Domain Names Australia Pty Ltd and its Director, Chesley Rafferty

On 18 August 2003 auDA issued legal proceedings at the Federal Court of Australia against Domain Names Australia Pty Ltd (DNA) and its sole director, Chesley Paul Rafferty. In those proceedings, auDA alleges that recent mail-outs by DNA were misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive, in breach of the Trade Practices Act (TPA). (more)

6 August 2003

.au domain registrations grow by 24%

auDA today published a statistical analysis of the first 12 months of the new .au domain name regime. (more)

from .cn

26 September 2003

The Symposium on Information Statistics of the Internet in Asia-Pacific Region held at Beijing

CNNIC held the Symposium on Information Statistics of the Internet in Asia-Pacific Region on 26-27 September at Beijing. The Symposium aimed to share information on the current status of regional and national Internet development and the method of Internet statistics of each country. (more information in the Simplified Chinese Version)

August 2003

CNNIC published Internet Connection Map of China

CNNIC has recently published the 2nd quarter Internet Connection Map of China, 2003. The figure shows that China’s international bandwidth has grown to 18,599M until the end of June 2003. CNNIC will continuously conduct the survey every season in order to provide an better understanding of bandwidth development in China. (more information in the Simplified Chinese Version)

8 August 2003

First Survey Report on China’s Internet Development published

CNNIC recently published a survey report on China’ s Internet development. It is the first report presenting an overall picture of China’s Internet development since 1994. In addition to 2002 status report, the report also includes relevant Internet laws, regulations and policies until February 2003. (more information in the Simplified Chinese Version)

from .hk

21 August 2003

Joint Promotion Between HKDNR and Hongkong Post Certification Authority to e-Cert (Personal) Holders

HKIRC with its wholly-owned operating arm, HKDNR, is pleased to announce in association with Hongkong Post Certification Authority the launch of the joint promotion on Individual Domain Name (“.idv.hk”) to Hongkong Post e-Cert (Personal) holders. (more)

18 August 2003

Register “.idv.hk” Domain Name: Enjoy One-Year Annual Fee Waiver on Hongkong Post E-Cert (Personal) Service

HKDNR has currently launched a special offer with Hongkong Post exclusively to their e-Cert (Personal) holders. From now on till end of Year 2003, all Hongkong Post e-Cert (Personal) holders are eligible to enjoy an additional one-year annual fee waived for their e-Cert (Personal) service once they have successfully registered Individual Domain Names (“.idv.hk”). (more)

from .jp

10 September 2003

Establishment of “ENUM Trial Japan (ETJP)”

JPRS works jointly with Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) and WIDE Project toward the establishment of “ENUM Trial Japan (ETJP)” as one of its founders. (more)

4 September 2003

Service Migration Schedule of Japanese JP Domain Name

As a result of standardization of IDN, RFCs were published on 7 March 2003. In accordance with the standardization, Punycode was adopted as the RACE encoding. Currently, application softwares have been in the process of transition into Punycode based version and the diagram of service migration schedule has been published. (more)

from .kr

27 August 2003

The 16th APNIC Open Policy Meeting and Korea Internet Operation Workshop 2003

The 16th APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Center) Open Policy Meeting in Seoul, a gathering where general discussions regarding Internet address policies in the Asia Pacific region are held, and Korea Internet Operation Workshop 2003, an event where Internet operation specialists from all over the world gather in the name of securing Internet stability, got off to a start on their four day long schedule with a grand opening ceremony at the Lotte Hotel in Jamsil on the 19th of August, 19:00 hours. (more

27 August 2003

Over 4000 Registration Requests made on the First day of Hangeul.KR Launch – Priority Registration for Public Institutions and Registered Trademarks and Brands

Receiving over 4000 registration requests on the very first day of Hangeul.KR’s commencement of service, there has been a staggering amount of interest shown in Korean based domains.  Since Hangeul.KR registrations for designations of public institutions and registered trademarks and brands began on August 19th, KRNIC (President Song Kwan-ho) has seen registration requests flooding-in in volumes so large that it even slowed down traffic to come registration agents’ sites. (more)

27 August 2003

KRNIC Introduces Root Mirror & .com, .net Domain Top-Level DNS

A top-level name server that services .com, .net, and other domains will also be situated in South Korea.  With a general agreement of placing Root (Mirror) and .com, .net, gTLD DNS sites at the Korea Network Information Center, KRNIC and Verisign has held a ceremony in commemoration of their operation contract at Chosun Hotel among Ministry of Information and Communication officials 12th this month. (more)

27 August 2003

Launch of Hangeul.KR Addresses on the 19th

The Ministry of Information and Communication has announced on the 7th of its intent to commence the ‘Korean Domain Execution Plan,’ a plan that utilizes the Korean language for domain names, on the 19th through South Korea’s Internet address management agency – Korea Network Information Center (KRNIC). (more)

27 August 2003

Results from June 2003 Informatization Status Survey

Refer to ‘Internet Statistics Report’ from the Internet Statistics Homepage for a digest of June 2003 Informatization Status Survey. (more)

from .nu

23 June 2003

Polynesian Island of Niue the First Free Wireless Nation

Wireless HotSpot Launched in South Pacific Island of Niue. (more)

from .nz

26 September 2003

Patent-watching system proposed

InternetNZ’s patent advisory group hopes to establish a new system for monitoring patent applications. (more)

26 September 2003

InternetNZ Consultation Workshops on 02~03 October 2003

InternetNZ has arranged meetings in Wellington and Auckland for members to discuss the strategic plan, the cyberlaw proposal, and ccNSO of ICANN application which are also included in the package. (more)

18 September 2003

InternetNZ Code of Practice (CoP) for ISPs more complex than supposed

The InternetNZ Code of Practice (CoP) for ISPs is likely to be more multifaceted, complex and expensive to implement than first thought, says executive director Peter Macaulay. (more)

4 September 2003

Anti-spam Workshop

An opportunity for those in the NZ Internet industry to discuss solutions to the problem of spam. Workshop will be held on 04 September 2003. (more)

3 September 2003

Cyber law fellowship mooted

InternetNZ is considering the establishment of a research fellowship at Victoria University to help it get a head start on the next big internet-related legal issue. (more)

1 September 2003

Frame Anti-spam Law Carefully says InternetNZ White Paper

Anti-spam legislation is virtually certain one day, suggests Pegasus Mail founder and InternetNZ councillor David Harris, in a white paper on the spam problem for InternetNZ. (more)

20 August 2003

Sale of Domainz

InternetNZ has announced the sale of Domainz for NZ$2 million (subject to normal settlement date adjustments and warranties) to Melbourne IT. (more)

1 August 2003

Tough Talk on Spam

Spam is coming under pressure from industry groups and end users alike. InternetNZ and the Direct Marketing Association are reviewing their positions on the problem. (more)

from .ph

03 September 2003

dotPH launches a redesigned, more user-friendly www.dot.ph

In the case of the DotPH (www.dot.ph) site, a revamp was exactly what was needed to make searching for and registering a domain more intuitive for our clients. (more)

20 August 2003

Mail Only Domain

We’ve had a lot of people want to use their free domains for email but didn’t know how to set up an MX. These folks weren’t interested in setting up a website just yet but wanted personalized e-mail addresses (like your-name@your-domain.ph). (more)

from .tw

29 September 2003

TWNIC Calls for Proposal on the Chinese Domain Name Dispute Resolution

In order to resolve the possible domain name dispute after launching the updated IDN-standardized Chinese domain name registration service, TWNIC is calling for proposals on the Chinese domain name dispute resolution, which will be used as reference to the current “TWNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution”. TWNIC is planning to launch the IDN-standardized Chinese domain name registration service in November. (more information in the Traditional Chinese Version)

23 September

TWNIC Calls for Comments on Guideline for ASCII.tw English Domain Name Registration Service

For providing Internet communities more complete registration service, TWNIC has draft a guideline for launching ASCII.tw English domain name registration service. A hearing will be organized later for collecting Internet Communities’ suggestions which will be used for the guideline amendment. (more information in the Traditional Chinese Version)

18 August 2003

Survey shows that Taiwan’s Internet Population has reached 11.75 million

After 6 months preparation and investigation, TWNIC has completed a survey on boardband and wireless usage in Taiwan and presented to public. The survey shows that Taiwan’s Internet population has grown up to 11.75 million; its percentage has reached to 57.23% of the total population. Boardband usage has become more common. About 9.3 million people use broadband to connect to Internet service. (more)

From .vn

19 June 2003

Vietnam now has 5 levels of Internet domain name

This is the recently-released regulation of the Ministry of Posts and Telematics (MPT) of Vietnam for better management and use of Internet resources in the country. (more)

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