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APTLD Members Contributed to a .VU- Sponsored Regional Workshop

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On 22 October 2020, the office of the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR), the ccTLD administrator of .VU (the Republic of Vanuatu), an Ordinary Member of APTLD, has hosted an online workshop for existing and prospective registrars in Vanuatu and Oceania.
The one-day conference, Regulatory Internet Forum/Registrar Workshop 2020: Securely maintaining and Marketing Your ccTLD, drew over 40 participants, 2078 online followers featured a number of speakers representing the APTLD Membership: GoDaddy Registry, Afilias, and Gransy, as well as IETF, and experts from New Zealand and UAE.
“We were pleased to welcome our peers and friends from APTLD to our workshop, – says Mr. Brian Winji, the Regulator , and appreciate their unique expertise which should benefit the tiny local registrar community and give a strong impulse to its expansion thereby promoting our ccTLD. We are sorry we met just online and will be greatly looking forward to having such workshops in person in the near future”.
“APTLD was happy to facilitate our Members and friends’ contribution to the workshop. The .VU team is a great partner and we highly value their commitment to the community and tireless efforts to promote dialogue between ccTLD registries across the region. We remain committed to our mission of serving as a regional platform for this kind of knowledge and best practices exchange, and commends .VU for the most proactive approach to the cross-region collaboration”,- says Mr. Leonid Todorov, GM APTLD
For more details on the Workshop and other activities, please, contact TRBR at: vu-cctld@trbr.vu  and APTLD at: sec@aptld.org

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