Call for Applications for the APTLD87 Fellowships
< back to listApplication Deadline: 30 October 2024
The Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD) is pleased to call for applications for its APTLD Meeting Fellowships to APTLD87 in Hong Kong S.A.R on 10-13 February 2025.
The Fellowships provide travel and accommodation, and daily subsistence (per diem) support for successful applicants for the whole period of the Meeting and its side events, if any. For details please refer to the Fellowship Package section of the respective policy.
Proposals should consider the following:
- How the Fellow can proactively contribute to the APTLD meeting by participating in individual sessions;
- What benefits the Fellow expects to take away as major outcomes and lessons learnt at the Meeting and how (s)he would foresee their further implementation domestically.
Fellowships are awarded to those candidates whose proposals show the greatest potential and eagerness to network and explore new opportunities for enhancement of their personal capacity and that of their organization. Please keep this in mind when preparing your application, and please be specific.
Typically, APTLD Fellowships are open to both Ordinary and Associate APTLD members from developing economies and territories and ccTLD registries with the number of registrations under 50,000; however, the APTLD Board makes its final decision basing on a broader consideration of some other factors and with consideration of travel and financial aspects, including, in the first place, the membership fee having been paid by or duly waived for the applicant’s organization by the opening date of the Call. For a complete list of eligibility criteria, the required documentation and the selection process, please refer to the respective policy.
To ensure equal opportunities and representation for Members from the APTLD’s subregions the APTLD Board has determined that a total of 5 Fellowships to APTLD87 should be made available to the Membership, including:
- Middle East – 1 (one);
- South and South-East Asia – 2(two)
- the Pacific – 1 (one);
- Eurasia – 1 (one)
The individuals who have been awarded Fellowships in or after September 2023 will NOT be eligible for these Fellowship.
In return for the acceptance of a Fellowship, APTLD expects the following from the successful applicants:
- Participation in at least two pre-Meeting on-site training sessions on 10 February 2025 and in APTLD87 on 11-12 February 2025;
- Presenting in or moderation of an APTLD87 session;
- Participation in a short Qs and As session at the closure of APTLD87;
- Post-meeting, submission of a written testimonial (soft copy), including a special section detailing the relevance of the Meeting and major takeaways from it for the Fellow.
For the full information of the APTLD Fellowship policy and to familiarize yourself with previous APTLD Fellows’ testimonials, please visit
This Call closes at 23:59 UTC on 30 October 2024
Applications should be forwarded by email to GM at: .
Upon receipt of applications, the Board will review them in a due course and APTLD87 Fellows will be announced by 30 November 2024.
Force Majeure
As a condition of this Call for Fellowships, if an unforeseen force majeure event occurs which affects APTLD’s ability to proceed with the Fellowships, such as but not limited to lockdowns caused by the pandemic, APTLD may be forced to cancel Fellowships even after announcement of successful applicants. In which event APTLD will not be liable for any claims or loss which may arise.